This! If we want to live a happy fulfilled life, we have to put the time into ourselves, and know that we are worth it. YOU are worth the investment.
Click the image for Self Care tips, tricks and resources
Heart Coherence helps you to regulate your nervous system. It is simple, it is backed by 30 years of science and you can do it for as little as 5 minutes to have an impact. Try it! There are tools to measure your progress. Ask Karen Weir if you’re interested!
Click the image!
Gentle Teaching is not just an approach to use at work. It is a way of being in the world. What is true for us is true for the people we support, and what is true for the people we support is true for us. Sometimes coworkers “behave” in ways that are not conducive to a healthy or positive work environment. When we embrace the GT philosophy we begin to find ourselves looking at these issues from another perspective. We develop greater empathy and compassion for each other, and into our own “behaviour” and how we show up at work.
Click the image to explore Gentle Teaching philosophy
Whatever position or role you are in, there are always new opportunities to explore and skills to learn.
What do you want to learn?
What skills do you want to develop?
Do you know your life’s purpose?
Get to know yourself and explore the possibilities!
Personal Development Plan Template
Journaling Workbooks