
Heart Coherence for Mental Health

Our heart rate is always changing, creating a pattern. Heart rhythm patterns, based on our “heart rate variability” (HRV), are a powerful window into our health and emotional wellness.

What do you know about heart coherence? This is actually the science of how your heart impacts your brain. We can learn to better regulate ourselves with simple strategies. The following is from the Heart Math website.

Heart Coherence is a state of cooperative alignment between the heart, mind, emotions and physical systems.

Learning to activate qualities of the heart such as care, kindness and acceptance increases our Personal Coherence™. This results in less mental and emotional pressure, more effective choices and increased resilience. Because our personal coherence is communicated through our energetic field, it has an uplifting impact on others. The proven benefits of coherence also extend to our social and global communities. Social Coherence™ accesses a collective heart intelligence that helps lift group effectiveness, facilitating authentic communications and easier access to solutions for more harmonious outcomes. As individuals and groups practice increasing their heart coherence, it paves the way for a collective momentum that has the potential to transform and uplift consciousness on a global scale – Global Coherence™.

Resources | HeartMath Institute


Are you ready to start? Check out the video below! As you do the breathing exercise, imagine that you are breathing through your heart – focus on your heart area. Imagine as you inhale that the air is coming into the heart and your exhale is out of the heart. To get maximum benefit think about something or someone that you love.

And here’s another video from the Heart Math Institute with a guided breathing exercise for heart/brain coherence to create increased mindfulness and sense of well being

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