
Leadership Mindset 2.0

Fabulous Leadership Training! Leadership Mindset 2.0 PDF ebook  

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Developing a Culture of Gentleness in Teams

Here are some samples (with timelines) from which to develop your team goals to contribute to the development of culture of gentleness. Feel free to edit the ideas as required! By the end of the quarter, I will ensure that every team member feels safe by implementing regular check-ins, creating a safe space for open […]

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Performance Vs Trust

Performance Evaluation SOPs

Performance Evaluation SOPs Performance Evaluations are completed 3 months after hire and annually thereafter. Performance Evaluations SOPs TL and staff being evaluated each complete their individual portion of the evaluation, then come together to meet to compare/discuss – this can be done with or without a hard copy. First evaluation is done 3 months from […]

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Team Leader Checklist

Self Assessment

Use the checklist to organize your tasks and to assess yourself in terms of where you need more direction or training.

Team Leader Orientation Checklist

Leadership – Simon Sinek’s Philosophy

Team Leader Training

Leaders aren’t always born. Sometimes they are cultivated.

Cultivating leaders is what good leaders do. At WIN we strive to develop all our team members into leaders. You’ll soon understand that we are in the Relationship Business! Great leaders love to watch their teammates surpass them. It’s a lot like parenting!

Click here for your guide to help you keep track of duties and assess yourself for where you need more direction/guidance. You are never alone

Some helpful documents and articles:
Workplace Inclusion – neurodiversity

OKR Gtmhub


5 Fundamentals of Leadership


Onboarding – whitepaper

Best Practices

Leaders Eat Last