Personal Growth and Development

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Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. We get in our own way! The resources on this page are designed to help you work through toxic traits, to discover the blessing in your struggles, and to stretch yourself into a happier life! Are you Toxic? Annoying? Repelling others? You may be and nobody’s telling you […]

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better life

Mental Health Resources

At WIN we understand that life is messy sometimes. We all struggle from time to time with our mental health and wellness. We can’t always control the circumstances of life, but we can control and manage our responses and reactions. We can learn resilience and build our regulation skills. On this hub you will find […]

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Self Care Resources

Value Yourself First Every human on the planet has experienced some trauma.  Some of us were raised in less than ideal situations and circumstances. While we may understand that our parents did the best they could with the tools and training they had, sometimes there are residual issues. Whether we express it as trauma or […]

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Developing a Culture of Gentleness in Teams

Here are some samples (with timelines) from which to develop your team goals to contribute to the development of culture of gentleness. Feel free to edit the ideas as required! By the end of the quarter, I will ensure that every team member feels safe by implementing regular check-ins, creating a safe space for open […]

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Personal Growth

This! If we want to live a happy fulfilled life, we have to put the time into ourselves, and know that we are worth it. YOU are worth the investment. Click the image for Self Care tips, tricks and resources       Heart Coherence helps you to regulate your nervous system. It is simple, […]

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happy money

Financial Intelligence

According to best selling  Zen Japanese Millionaire and author Ken Honda, we need two types of Financial Intelligence to be “successful” with making and managing our money. Money IQ and Money EQ, and according to his research EQ matters most! As you likely know, IQ is intelligence quotient, EQ refers to Emotional Intelligence. But Money […]

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Financial Health

Something that we aren’t taught in school is how to manage our money. In this section we will provide resources and information to increase our Financial Intelligence. Money Mentors Edmonton | Credit Counselling & Debt Consolidation offers assistance for individuals and families experiencing financial issues, but also information and training opportunities to learn about money management. […]

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high five

The High Five Effect

Have you ever attended Sunshine Bowling? The people we support are so supportive of each other and love to celebrate strikes, and spares, and even effort. High fives are given freely.  It’s infectious and happy and everyone feels good, even when they aren’t playing their best game. It’s not just with individuals we support either. […]

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Heart Coherence for Mental Health

Our heart rate is always changing, creating a pattern. Heart rhythm patterns, based on our “heart rate variability” (HRV), are a powerful window into our health and emotional wellness. What do you know about heart coherence? This is actually the science of how your heart impacts your brain. We can learn to better regulate ourselves […]

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